Refinancing Your Mortgage - Can You Really Save Money? Posted By : David Mayer
Well, there you are with a loan secured on your home. Every month, you pay the instalment out of your income. Whats the problem? Why should you want to refinance? For most, it could not be more simple. Because you want to pay a lower monthly instalment! When prices for all the basic necessities of life keep going up but your income fails to keep pace, you get squeezed. Lets think about how you came to be in this position.

Five Things To Consider During Foreclosure Posted By : Nick Adama
While many homeowners who read this article would ideally want to save their home from foreclosure, this may not always be the best solution to a financial problem. But too often, the emotional attachment that owners have to a property is strong enough that they would like to keep the house, even if the plan they use to save it is not reasonable for the long term.

How to Obtain Insurance Posted By : Eugene M. Smith
In our previous articles we've approached such issues as correct cargo insurance, clauses of the insurance agreement, term of validity of the insurance agreement and factors which influence the underwriting rate. Today we'll discuss how to obtain insurance.

The Need For Tenants Insurance Posted By : Rudi ONeil
As a tenant there are lots of things that can go wrong and this is the case even if you have the best intentions in the world. You could be trying to move a refrigerator from one area of the kitchen to the other and accidentally create a tear in the linoleum. You could have a particularly clumsy friend that succeeds in spilling a bottles worth of claret all over the lightly coloured carpet in the lounge. There are always accidents that can happen.

Long-Term Care Insurance: 2009 Study Reveals How Much Coverage People Purchase Posted By : Jesse Slome
National study reveals how much long-term care insurance consumers purchase; at what ages they buy this protection and what they pay. Valuable information for any consumer considering long-term care insurance protection.

Some Facts About Insurance Posted By : David Mayer
Insurance is a complex service with many hidden stones and currents you should be aware of. This article consists of useful tips everyone should take into account in order to choose wisely and better from the vast selection of insurance propositions. Useful facts on insurance no matter which insurance type you choose.

What exactly is a Mortgage Broker and Why Should I Use One? Posted By : Penny-Ann Lupton
Are you undecided about using the services of a mortgage broker or sceptical as to what a mortgage broker can do for you? The purpose of this article is to clarify the many advantages and benefits you will receive when using the services provided by mortgage brokers in Canada. I am optimistic that after reading this article Canadians will have a much better understanding about the services provided by a mortgage broker, and will consider using a mortgage broker for their mortgage financing needs.