Male Dinosaurs May Have Been Babysitters
Those ferocious Hollywood meat-eating dinosaurs you're used to seeing in the movies very possibly had a much softer side: the males might even have been sort of prehistoric babysitters, as per a far-flung study conducted by a Texas AandM University researcher. Jason Moore, a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, and team members from Montana State University, Florida State University and the American Museum of Natural History in New York discovered that some types of male dinosaurs probably cared for and watched over eggs in much the same way that females of other species do. Their work appears in the current issue of Science magazine........

Oetzi's last supper
What we eat can say a lot about us - where we live, how we live and eventually even when we lived. From the analysis of the intestinal contents of the 5, 200-year-old Iceman from the Eastern Alps, Professor James Dickson from the University of Glasgow in the UK and his team have shed some light on the mummy's lifestyle and some of the events leading up to his death. By identifying six different mosses in his alimentary tract, they suggest that the Iceman may have travelled, injured himself and dressed his wounds. Their findings1 are reported in the recent issue of Springer's journal Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, which is specially dedicated to Oetzi the Iceman........

Operations Manager JH664 at Mri Networks (Reno, NV)
Directs and coordinates manufacturing operations to ensure that all aspects of the manufacturing process run efficiently and in a timely manner in order to maximize the fullest potential of all plant, equipment, and staff which will yield...

Possible Croation Interpreting Job at Translators (Las Vegas, NV)
I have a possible project for an English>Croation interpreter somewhere around the first of July in Las Vegas, NV. This will be consecutive interpreting for a legal proceeding and being court certified is preferred, but not necessary. If...

CT to reveal hidden face
Using CT imaging to study a priceless bust of Nefertiti, scientists have uncovered a delicately carved face in the limestone inner core and gained new insights into methods used to create the ancient masterpiece and information pertinent to its conservation, as per a research studyreported in the recent issue of Radiology.......

Cacao Ritually Used in Chaco Canyon
Inhabitants of Chaco Canyon apparently drank chocolate from cylinders like these about a thousand years ago. That's the finding in a paper published this week by PNAS, a publication of the National Academy of Science and written by Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Patricia L. Crown and her Collaborator at the Hershey Center of Health and Nutrition W. Jeffrey Hurst........

Piano Teachers at Schoolofmusic (Reno, NV) needs piano teachers to teach in students' homes, in teacher's studios, in school programs, and online. A degree or significant college training in your instrument is required. Call:...

Temple that sheds light on Dark Age
The discovery of a remarkably well-preserved monumental temple in Turkey - believed to be constructed during the time of King Solomon in the 10th/9th-centuries BC - sheds light on the so-called Dark Age. Uncovered by the University of Toronto's Tayinat Archaeological Project (TAP) in the summer of 2008, the discovery casts doubt upon the traditional view that the transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age was violent, sudden and culturally disruptive........

Largest Prehistoric Fossil Snake
Scientists have recovered fossils from a 60-million-year-old South American snake whose length and weight might make today's anacondas seem like garter snakes. Named Titanoboa cerrejonensis by its discoverers, the size of the snake's vertebrae suggest it weighed 1, 140 kilograms (2, 500 pounds) and measured 13 meters (42.7 feet) nose to tail tip........