Back Pain

Posted by 65302 | 12:30 AM

Back Pain
Back PainThe prevention of back pain is, itself, somewhat controversial. It has long been thought that exercise and an all-around healthy lifestyle would prevent back pain, but this is not Back Pain and Sciatica Travel Tips-vacations it is a short trip or a long haul flight here are some tried and [...]

Getting the Word Out On Web Standards and Accessibility
Let's face it, we live in a world where any high school kid with a semester course in "web design" (if even that much training) and a copy of Frontpage can hang out a virtual shingle calling himself (or herself) a "webmaster." Factor WordPress into that with its five-minute install and innumerable themes and you have a job title glutted with people who don't know the first thing about what they're doing. An amazingly large number of otherwise intelligent business people are entrusting their entire web presence to such as these. The general public's lack of knowledge in this area only serves to exacerbate the problem.

Sharp pain while breathing –Doctors Lounge(TM)
Sharp pain while breathing –Doctors Lounge(TM)In late November I started to get a pain in I could not lay on my stomach or back is the causing the pain im not sure but its worrying me alittle because it keeps coming back PRILOSEC: Side effects, ratings, and patient comments [...]

Low back pain during pregnancy | BabyCenter
Low back pain during pregnancy | BabyCenter Pregnancy Sleep & Dreams; Carrying pelvic pain, which is felt lower on your body than lumbar pain. You may feel it deep inside the buttocks, on one or both sides or in the back of Thyroid Disease, Hypothyroidism & FibromyalgiaFeeling of pain, burning, aching, [...]

Frontline's Frontline Video
Sam Bailey, Frontline’s Director of New Media and Technology, has spent the last two years developing a new, enhanced web video player designed specifically to play high-quality, large-frame video of full Frontline programs directly off of local station web sites. The new player will be able to play at a bitrate of 350k–a considerable increase over the current 220k–in a fairly large and customizable playing window, and PBS is providing the bandwidth for it. The only downside is that it’s available for broadband only.

Please DO Feed the Sites: Creating Outgoing Feeds
There are numerous methods for the creation of an outgoing feed including the conversion of current HTML files to RSS, using fill-in-the-blank RSS creation forms like the new one from Newshour, and adapting database driven CMS tools. With all that ease of RSS creation in mind, it's still important to leverage your feed, play nice with RSS, and do all the promotion you can.

Please DO Feed the Sites: What Is RSS?
To explain what RSS is and why it has everyone so excited, let me just start out on common ground with something we already know, a traditional website. Traditionally, a website contained whatever content may have been put on it and that content may be static or may change constantly. The problem here has always been that a user had no way of knowing when or if that content had changed other than checking back periodically or being notified by someone.

Top Radiology ICD-9 Codes
Top Radiology ICD-9 Codes vomiting 787.2 dysphagia 789.00abdominal pain-site nos 789 abn thyroid funct study 794.9 abn function study eye 959.01head injury nos 959.1 injury -back/pelvis 959.7 lower leg injury nos Best Evidence: Labor Pain | Labor Pain :: Childbirth ConnectionYou have many labor pain relief optons. What [...]

Localizing Beyond PBS: An Open Proposal
Introduction In one of its most brilliant decisions ever, PBS decided to downplay itself as a national entity in favor of extending the perceived reach of every one of its local member stations. (Web: best medium for local/national convergence?) In other words, PBS in Medford, Oregon IS SOPTV, PBS in Redding, California IS KIXE, and PBS [...]